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Hunterdon Medical Center Town Hall

This town hall was held on
knock out opioid abuse
  • Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey
  • Horizon Foundation for New Jersey

The Hunterdon Medical Center Town Hall livestream took place on 10/9/19

• Nava Bastola, Public Health Analyst, NY/NJ High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program (HIDTA)
• Dr. Nimish Mehta, Hunterdon Medical Center
• Dr. Jeffrey Moore, Superintendent, Hunterdon Central Regional High School
• Greg Rearick, Supervisor, Hunterdon Opioid Overdose Recovery Program
• Lesley Gabel, Co-Director, CEO, Prevention Resources
• Heather Ogden, Advocacy Coordinator, NCADD – NJ

Additional Resources

For Parents:


PerformCare/ Children’s System of Care (CSOC)

2nd FLOOR Youth Helpline

Designated Screening Centers

Before Taking Opioids:

Facts About Prescription Opioids

Non-opioid Therapies for Pain Management

What Patients Should Ask Prescribers Before Taking Opioids

What Patients Should Ask Prescribers Before Taking Opioids (Spanish Version)


After Taking Opioids:

Find a Drug Disposal Location Near You

Disposal of Unused Medicines: What You Should Know


Addiction and Overdose Prevention:

Overdose Prevention and Response Toolkit

Overdose Prevention and Response Toolkit (Spanish Version)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services – National Opioids Crisis: Help and Resources

CDC Overdose Prevention

Incorporating the Social Determinants of Health into Substance Use Prevention



What is Naloxone?

How to Get Naloxone

NJ Department of Human Services – NALOXONE SAVES LIVES


Data and Additional Information:

NJCARES New Jersey Opioid Data

Harm Reduction Framework

Knock Out Opioid Abuse Day Learning Series


Toll-Free Hotlines/Helplines – Líneas Directas Gratuitas y Líneas de Ayuda:


988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (Espanol)

NJ Hopeline

Crisis Text Line

15 Minute Child Break

Parents play a key role in substance use prevention, making it paramount that they are informed on the issue and prepared to talk with their children about drugs and alcohol. The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey’s 15 Minute Child Break educates parents, grandparents and other caregivers. Find out how to bring an hour-long session to your community.


American Medicine Chest Challenge

Proper disposal is a key to preventing the misuse and abuse of medicines. Find out where you can safely and conveniently dispose of your expired and unused medicines through the American Medicine Chest Challenge.


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA’s mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.


New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services

The Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services is responsible for the development, coordination and operational support of a comprehensive mental health and addiction services system. It contracts with more than 120 agencies for a wide range of community mental health services that assist consumers living in the community; and supports and monitors a wide variety of substance abuse treatment and prevention services providers designed to reduce the misuse of alcohol and other drugs through effective evidence-based treatment.



ReachNJ is a 24-hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week addictions hotline through which people who have a substance use disorder can get immediate help and referrals from live, New Jersey-based, trained addiction counselors, regardless of their insurance status.


Governor’s Council on Substance Use Disorder

The Governor’s Council on Substance Use Disorder is an active and collaborative participant in the planning and coordination of New Jersey’s addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery services.

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